Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Brothers of Ale Brewing

Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Brothers of Ale Brewing

Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Brothers of Ale Brewing

Discover Our Beer

From light lagers to medium bodied ales we offer a range of truly unique, balanced, and drinkable beers. Come find your new favorites!

Why is Brothers of Ale beer is so good?

  • Selected Malts
    Choosing the right malts, in the right ratio, creates the best balance.
  • Quality Hops
    From aroma to bitterness, our choices are selected for the exact characteristics we look for.
  • Special Water
    Our base water starts off soft and is built up specifically for each beer.
  • Unique Yeast
    After years of trials, we found the best yeasts for each style.
  • Perennial Recipes
    Flagships to seasonal, our beers are drinkable year in and year out.
  • Modern Equipment
    Never a substitute for hands-on, but it sure does help.

«Our mission is driven by loving and respecting the ingredients we use, and it is fueled by a desire to improve and make our beers and our practices, better.»

  • Mashing
    In this part of the process, hot water and malt are mixed together, allowing the starches to be converted into fermentable and non-fermentable sugars.
  • Lautering and Boiling
    Lautering and Boiling
    We circulate the wort (sugar water) over the grain until it is relatively clear. The spent grain is then removed and saved for local farmers. We then bring the clear wort to a boil and add hops as well as other adjunct ingredients.
  • Fermentation
    Once the wort is cooled, we add oxygen and yeast, and then the yeast consumes the sugars in solution in order to make alcohol, CO2 and other trace elements.
  • Packaging
    Once the beer is ready, it is time to send it off to the world in the form of kegs and bottles!

«Our mission is driven by loving and respecting the ingredients we use, and it is fueled by a desire to create the absolute best products.»

«We combat brewery waste in many ways like partnering with local farms who use our spent grain to feed their animals.»